COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Ontario and strategies to support capability, opportunity, and motivation among at risk populations, version 1.0. Accessed June 20, 2023.
COVID-19 has become a pandemic with substantial mortality. A living systematic review assessing the beneficial and harmful effects of different vaccines is urgently needed. This living systematic review will regularly inform best practice in vaccine prevention and clinical research of this highly prevalen...
Mittal et al (2023) found that the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine in patients undergoing allogeneic transplantation was highly immunogenic and safe [17]. Andersson et al (2023) examined the effectiveness of the bivalent mRNA subsequent vaccine as a 4th dose in a nationwide cohort analysis in ...
Another participant trying to get a COVID-19 test and vaccine, described how the first thing they were asked was to show their BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) Card which only people eligible for public insurance would have (P7: Permanent status, comfortable speaking English; Interview date ...
Using Fig.1, consider an illustrative example. Imagine we are conducting research to estimate rates of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance (i.e., ouroutcome, defined as vaccine receipt or intentions to get vaccinated) in a community, and wish to explore how sex (ourexposure) influences acceptance. In...
The COVID-19 vaccine has been developed in a remarkable time due to the pandemic. Phase I was completed in 6–9 months, compared to the normal time frame of 3–9 years for other vaccines (Figure 1) [15]. In addition, the three phases of COVID-19 vaccine development overlapped to spe...
In the population of patients with autoimmune diseases, vaccine hesitancy would make them prone to severe COVID-19 infection. Patients suffering from autoimmune diseases are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. The heterogeneity of autoimmune diseases and treatment with diverse immunomodulators ...
Norway will delay its decision on whether to resume the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine by up to three weeks, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) said on Friday. Authorities on March 11 suspended the rollout of the vaccine ...
By Paul Minshull, CEO & Founder, Covid19 Solution Architect When will it end? When will life return to normal? Will we have another lockdown? When will I get my vaccination? There’s good news and bad news for Ontario this Spring. On the one hand, vaccine deployments will save lives ...
Emerging evidence from China suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is deadlier for infected men than women with a 2.8% fatality rate being reported in Chinese men versus 1.7% in women. Further, sex-disaggregated data for COVID-19 in several E