\" The decree grants the government power to limit individuals' freedom of movement and assembly, requisition private property, and forcibly confine people deemed likely to transmit COVID-19. (See primary source or citation here)", "type": "order", "date": "27 Mar 2020", "issue": "...
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted greatly the mental health of children. We performed a systematic review to better understand the impact of the pandemic
SYDNEY, June 30 (Xinhua) -- The Australian state of Queensland eased several of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions on Thursday, despite the high community transmission of the virus. Queensland health authorities reported 5,286 new cases in the daily update on Thursday, bringing the state's ove...
Queenslandcancels the Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference 2020, previously scheduled to be held from August 23 to August 26, in light of the COVID-19 crisis. TheJunta de Andalucíaregional government clarifies that Atalaya's copper project in southwestern Spain is classed an esse...
The Palaszczuk Government has launched a clear plan to ease Queensland's COVID-19 restrictions from today through to December 2020.
Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology, commissioned by the Australia Institute's Centre for Responsible Technology, over a ten day period in late March examined 2.6 million tweets and 25.5 million retweets related to COVID-19. To distinguish authentic Twitter user...
82/20 on a State of Exception to Prevent and Control the Covid-19 Pandemic", "description": "The presidential decree declares a nationwide \"state of exception.\" The decree grants the government power to limit individuals' freedom of movement and assembly, requisition private property, and ...
government actions, measures, and policies have significantly affected national cases and death counts. For example, Balmford et al.1use epidemiological models to analyze COVID-19 cases and deaths across all OECD countries as of June 9, 2020, and show that eight countries (Belgium, China, Denma...
James Allan is Garrick professor of law at the University of Queensland. Covid hysteria based on lies, propaganda and ignorance | The Australian • Covid-19 Related : Perspective : Look Up Your Risk of Dying of COVID-19 | Climatism ...
Matt Finch is Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Southern Queensland and a facilitator on the Scenarios Programme at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School. He currently hosts episodes ofthe OECD’s Government After Shock podcast. His website ismechanicaldolphin.com. ...