Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has generated profound health, societal, and economic consequences, which have been further compounded by long-term sequelae commonly referred to as post-COVID-19 or long-COVID syndrome. Understanding the real-world impact of post-CO...
Coronavirus updates: Areas in Canada with cases of the latest novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV).
SCIEX COVID-19 update While there is still uncertainty, SCIEX is doing everything possible to minimize the impact to you and your lab. The health and well-being of our associates, customers and community remain our top priority. We are closely following direction from various international health...
为了探究COVID-19虚假新闻的内容,我对于真实新闻和虚假新闻进行了严格的定义。具体来说,真实新闻是众所周知的真实报道并且来自可信赖的新闻机构;虚假新闻是众所周知的错误报道并且来自知名的有意试图散布错误信息的虚假新闻网站。 基于以上定义,我从各种新闻资源中收集了1100篇有关COVID-19的新闻文章和社交网络帖子并...
Pfizer assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements contained in this release as the result of new information or future events or developments. This release contains forward-looking information about Pfizer’s efforts to combat COVID-19, the collaboration between Bio...
Scientific Reports (2025) Estimation of outpatient SARS-CoV-2 reinfection and recurrence rates and associated factors among COVID-19 hospitalized patients over one-year old: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Yaser Mokhayeri Niloufar Taherpour Seyed Saeed Hashemi Nazari BMC Infectious Diseases ...
Basic Statistic Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Europe 2024, by country Basic Statistic Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Italy as of January 2025, by region Basic Statistic Coronavirus (COVID-19) active case, recoveries, deaths in Italy as of January 2025 Basic Statistic U.S...
The nexus of COVID-19 and climate change has so far brought attention to short-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, public health responses, and
Study update dates in uptake 20220826DELP 20220721, IHME 20220719, IMPE 20220808, SRIV 20220824Days old: DELP 37, IHME 39, IMPE 19, SRIV 3As the IHME and IMPE models’ estimates are released monthly and the DELP and SRIV models’ estimates are released almost biweekly, the uptakes of ...
Computer-aided diagnosis has been extensively investigated for more rapid and accurate screening during the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic. However, the challenge remains to distinguish COVID-19 in the complex scenario of multi-type pneumonia classification and improve the overall diagnostic performance....