To contain the epidemic, the government declared the province of Guayas a special security zone, and deployed both military troops and police officers to the region to enforce prevention measures. QUITO, March 29 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has hit...
Wisconsin bases its calculation of COVID-19 test positivity on the number of people tested, not the raw number of tests. State officials say this was done so people who are tested repeatedly (like those in front-line jobs or who are living in an area with an outbreak) don’...
Anteil_positivAnteil der positiven Tests an allen TestsShare of positive testsZahl Canton Zürich: Postal codes (Postleitzahl) Data COVID_19 Fallzahlen Kanton Zürich nach Bezir...
In der zuvor bereits erwähnten Querschnittsstudie von Salmon-Ceron und Kollegen [42] stellten die Autoren fest, dass 25% der Patienten auch mehr als zwei Monate nach Erstinfektion noch PCR-positiv getestet wurden. Diese Beobachtungen legen nahe, dass diese Patienten sich entweder erneut ...
El gran porcentaje de los estudios incluidos reportó el test PCR como medio de evaluación para COVID-19, la cual resultó ser positiva en la mayoría de los pacientes; solo se aprecian tres estudios con presencia de PCR negativa, dentro de los cuales encontramos a Molina et al., en ...
The covid patients who were confirmed by positive RT-PCR test results with or without clinical features of covid-19 were selected. They were treated with Siddha Regimen for seven days. Results: Sixteen out of 20 cases turned RT-PCR negative on their 7th day of treatment. And the Ct value...
Obwohl es sich um ein gezieltes anlassbezogenes Testen von KP handelte, wurden vergleichsweise wenige positiv auf SARS-COV‑2 getestet: 2,5 % der in Kitas Betreuten, 4,5 % der in Kitas Tätigen, 2,5 % der Schüler- und 0,9 % der Lehrer-KP. Bundesweit lag die Test-...
Overall, the trained decision tree identifies combinations of symptoms that are predictive of high chance of RT-PCR positivation (anosmia or ageusia), or low chance of RT-PCR positivation (no anosmia or ageusia, no fever but cardiopulmonary symptoms). Those respectively correspond to cases where...
“seropositiv*”, “cross-reacti*” and “immun*” alongside “COVID-19” (OR “SARS-CoV-2”), “HCoV-*” (OR “seasonal coronavirus”), “MERS*” or “SARS-CoV” (OR “SARS”). Most articles retrieved were primary research papers. We also identified articles from the reference ...
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