If you have symptoms or if you’ve been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, you should get tested. To get an at-home COVID test, visit your nearest pharmacy, or visit theCDC’s websiteto find other testing options in your area. ...
Additional changes included requiring a confirmed COVID-19 test at the time of death in order for the death certificate to list COVID-19 as the cause; however, the results of the test often came after the death certificates were issued [81]. In Italy, the reverse occurred where only ...
The covid19.ca.gov website is designed to answer the questions Californians have about COVID-19 and the public health measures taken across the state to control it. It presents real-time public health information that is accurate, easy to read, and actionable. It provides a single source of...
In times of pandemic, media alternate the usage of different COVID-19 indicators, ranging from the more typical crude mortality rate to the case fatality rate, and the infection fatality rate continuously. In this article, we used experimental methods to test whether and how the treatment of ...
Both OSHA and CDC regularly update their webpages with reopening guidance relevant to the business community. We encourage you to regularly check for update guidance at: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/businesses-employers.html...
MANILA -- The two batches of COVID-19 test kits donated by the Chinese government to the Philippines "are very good and up to the standards as those which were donated by (the) WHO," the Philippine health chief said Sunday. Francisco Duque, secretary of health of the Philippines, said ...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines demonstrate excellent effectiveness against infection, severe disease, and death. However, pediatric COVID-19 vaccination rates lag among individuals from rural and other medically underserved communities. The research objective of the current protocol is to de...
Source: Italian Ministry of Health (www.salute.gov.it). 2. Relevant literature In the last months, a plenty and increasing body of literature focused its attention on the environmental, meteorological, demographic, and social factors that may affect COVID-19 mortality (Bayer and Kuhn, 2020; ...
The COVID-19 health crisis has caused profound social and economic disruptions. Affecting everyone, its impact is not equal. Exacerbating deep social fissu
Enrollment into a clinical trial of additional medications is encouraged, such as those listed athttps://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/covid_viewandtheWHO website. *Other immunomodulators: IL-1 inhibitors (e.g., anakinra) have shown reduced mortality in certain patients with severe COVID-19 who also...