However, the new Section 19M of the Act now provides that both a landlord and tenant may apply to the Registrar to appoint a rental relief Assessor to make a determination on either of the following issues: a) The actual amount of rent due under the lease agreement; and b) The actual ...
Generally, force majeure in English common law is understood to mean an event or circumstance that occurs and which prevents one (or both) parties to an agreement from fulfilling their obligations under the agreement. Relief provided by a force majeure clause is usually in the form of a suspens...
or that might otherwise benefit from coordination between the tenant and the landlord. For example, different policies may expressly include or exclude pandemics such as COVID-19 or limit the amount of the coverage in the case of disruptions resulting therefrom. Policies may also requi...
With many tenant businesses shut down suddenly due to COVID-19, a REIT may agree to provide lease forbearance, including deferral of all or a portion of rent payments through a certain period, or even a partial forgiveness of some rent payments. A REIT must be careful to craft such rent ...
InLi Ching Wing v Xuan Yi Xiong[1], a tenant of domestic premises for a two-year tenancy sought to terminate the tenancy agreement on the ground that the tenancy agreement was frustrated by the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ("SARS"). In particular, the tenant re...
Starting April 17, The Temporary Rent Stabilization Act (CB-007-2023), sponsored by Oraidha, will restrict property owners from raising tenant rental rates above three percent over a 12-month period. The law is only temporary and set to expire in a year. ...
20-cv-04511 (N.D. Ill. July 31, 2020): assert constitutional claims as well as claims under the CARES Act and Administrative Procedure Act challenging federal government’s alleged failure to provide relief payments to incarcerated individuals; Castillo v. Whitmer, No. 20-cv-00751 (W...
world explore the financial services collection learn about deloitte's services go straight to smart. get the deloitte insights app this time around, the federal government has been quick to act to help alleviate the initial impact of covid-19 on borrowers. the coronavirus aid, relief, and...
holding tenant’s rent obligation would be reduced on a pro rata basis in accordance with the decrease in revenues from its inability to offer on-premises dining.) (04/27/2020 Creditors’ Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay; 05/12/2020 Debtor’s Response; 05/26/2020 Creditors’ Repl...
The Ordinance ceases to apply if the lender has entered into a written agreement with the landlord during the protection period that provides for forbearance in respect of the repayment schedule for, or the amount of any...