As COVID-19 spread around the world, many international non-governmental organisations working in the safe abortion space rapidly adapted their health programs to maintain service delivery while preventing their clients, staff, and communities from contracting COVID-19. The map specifically highlights ho... (2021). 9. (2022). 10. Cramer, E. et al. reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: release for Zenodo, 20210816. Zenodo (2021)....
Healthcare resource scarcity risk map for Hong Kong If COVID-19 begins to spread rapidly, it's possible healthcare resources will be quickly overwhelmed in these areas. Having a plan in place to ramp up healthcare resources (such as proposed quarantine sites, test kits, ventilators, and prote...
Data on COVID-19 cases in children 6-11 years and toddlers 0-5 years from 35 cities in Central Java in 2020-2021 were analyzed using the K-means cluster. The K-means cluster was used to cluster low, medium, and high cases and then map the spread of COVID-19. Results: Semarang, ...
Update:DataScience+ developed aninteractive dashboard with Shinyto monitor the spread of COVID-19 across the world. Hope you find it useful. In this post, I will show how the COVID-19 is distributed across the world by doing a map visualization of the confirmed cases by country. I would...
City of Lancaster, PA: COVID-19 PSA Mural Project The City of Lancaster, PA employed local artists to address the hazards of COVID-19 through public murals. To make the greatest impact, the City needed to know how to reach those residents most vulnerable to the virus. Using PolicyMap’s...
The essence is to map clusters of significantly high and low parameter values across US counties during the first eight months of the global pandemic. Also, we subjected all variables to correlation analysis with the aim to have the understanding of direct relationship between the response variable... and REPOSITORY: REPOSITORY LICENCE: ABBREVIATED NAME IN THIS REPOSITORY: covidcompare...
Countries where COVID-19 has spreadPluginManager.getCountriesWhereCoronavirusHasSpread();The 177 countries where COVID-19 has spread and reported[ [ { "Country": "China", "Cases": "80,928", "Deaths": "3,245", "Region": "Asia" }, { "Country": "Italy", "Cases": "35,713", "...
covid19scan features standard map controls, such as zoom and pan. In addition, the map has a time slider, which allows for selecting a specific day for which clusters are displayed. The time slider also allows for animating the display of daily clusters. Lastly, the cluster characteristics ...