The emergence of COVID-19 dramatically changed social behavior across societies and contexts. Here we study whether social norms also changed. Specifically, we study this question for cultural tightness (the degree to which societies generally have strong norms), specific social norms (e.g. stealing...
offering caretakers the choice of a grant to be spent for improvements in the facility. Following the grant, caretakers were offered a large financial reward conditional on the cleanliness of the facility. The second intervention added to this community toilet improvement awareness creation through face...
Funding/Support: Support was provided by grant 1K01AG061274 from the National Institutes on Aging (Dr Whaley). Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, rev...
Some variables associated with depression, such as social support, collegial relationship, health status and pre-existing psychiatric disorders, were not examined. Because of the cross-sectional study design, causality between depression and other variables could not be examined. 8/8 More than 90% of...
Finally we examined whether HoNOS was helpful in predicting COVID-19 related deaths. 2. Method The data for this study was collected by Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Trust, which provides health and social care for over 400,000 people with mental ill health, physical ill health and ...
In the face of a crisis as enormous as COVID-19 and its cascading effects, it's impossible to be everywhere at once. But through our Community Grant process, we are able to empower employees on the ground in our global communities to make decisions based on the ...
Grant R, Charmet T, Schaeffer L, et al. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant on incubation, transmission settings and vaccine effectiveness: results from a nationwide case-control study in France. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2022;13:100278-100278. doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100278Pu...
◆These COVID-19 data are an important basis for China’s decision to pursue all-round reopening of the economy with necessary containment measures in place and to restore the normal economic and social order. One case in point is the lifting of the 76-day lockdown of Wuhan after a contin...
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on individuals, insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of ...
19 pandemic, the common trend in the confirmed COVID-19 cases observed between countriesiandjand countriesjandkmay imply a relatively higher chance to observe a common trend on the COVID-19 confirmed cases in countriesiandkas well (this is the transitivity property in social networks). ...