Additional information The article has been revised and substantially expanded (with situation in Russia’s regions) by the author for publication in Regional Research of Russia. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Tarkhov, S.A. Geography of the ...
The current situation requires cooperative action by individuals, national and international authorities to protect the oceans from plastic pollution, as summarized below: Individual Widespread awareness campaigns and volunteering are key to reducing plastic pollution before the pandemic. The difficu...
Domestic tourismThis paper attempts to evaluate the capacity of Spanish domestic tourism to relieve the national travel industry crisis in the situation of a complete or significant loss of international demand, such as the one being produced by COVID-19. The results show that though Spanish ...
Factors contributing to this situation included the relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions with the reopening of schools, retail and other activities, domestic and international travel, and the public’s loosening of preventive behaviours37. The timeliness of the lockdowns and population mobility ...
the gravity of the situation because differences are expressed in intuitive year units...The recently observedmortalityexcess in thesecond wavesuggests the drops in life expectancy by the end of the year to be larger than what currently estimated in this paper (only accounting for the first wave...
"I wish we would have a different debate in the media here, but if you open any news channel, all it is about COVID, COVID, COVID because that is very, very difficult situation still inEurope. But once that is done, we will have that discussion again and looking forward...
Tous les envois et frais de port seront effectués en août, la réception des contreparties dépendra donc de votre situation géographique. Cependant, à la mi-septembre, tous les envois devraient être arrivés.Les téléchargements seront disponibles dès que l'album sera prêt pour la sort...
The trend of changes in the COVID-19 situation in Khuzestan, Iran The first confirmed COVID-19 case was reported in Iran in mid-February 2020. As a result, lockdown and precautionary measures were implemented from 21st March to 21st April in 2020 in the whole country. By the beginning of...
These results indicate that having nurses in educational centers improves teachers' ability to cope with a pandemic situation.doi:10.3390/ijerph20043571Santana-López, Borja NicolásBernat-Adell, María DesamparadosSantana-Cabrera, LucianoSantana-Cabrera, Esteban Gabriel...
The trend of changes in the COVID-19 situation in Khuzestan, Iran The first confirmed COVID-19 case was reported in Iran in mid-February 2020. As a result, lockdown and precautionary measures were implemented from 21st March to 21st April in 2020 in the whole country. By the beginning of...