and COVID-19 Rapid Response grant CVD19-030 (J.G.H.); the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation (J.G.H.); the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (Canada CIFAR AI Chair) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery grant 03267) (G.W.); Merck ...
The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and was developed with astonishing speed. The time from sequencing the virus to authorizing the first COVID-19 vaccine was so brisk even the optimists appear close-minded. Yet, simultaneously...
The general survey was designed to gather information about the participants’ experiences with COVID-19 protocols and restrictions in their lives as well as demographic information. Participants first reported their health behaviors in response to the pandemic by indicating how many times they had left...
Supported by the European Union—through FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION: the Platform for European Preparedness Against emerging Epidemics (PREPARE) consortium (602525), and Horizon 2020 research and innovation program: the Rapid European Covid-19 Emergency Research response (RECOVER) consortium (101003589)...
We analyzed a random sample of inpatients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 admitted to hospitals in the New York City (NYC) metropolitan region between March 15 and 28, 2020, during which time a rapid rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations was occurring. The region had 88.3% of COVID-19 cases...
Study Outcomes We designated 2 primary outcomes a priori because we believed that they were equally important: (1) COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the ED, assessed by participant response to the vaccine acceptance survey question, “Would you accept the COVID vaccine in the emergency department ...
This work was undertaken as part of the Myanmar Agricultural Policy Support Activity (MAPSA, grant number MTO No. 069033) led by the International Food Policy Research Institute in partnership with Michigan State University. This work was supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institut...
Current models of COVID-19 transmission predict infection from reported or assumed interactions. Here we leverage high-resolution observations of interaction to simulate infectious processes. Ultra-Wide Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems were employed to track the real-time physical movements and...
Response rates varied between 11.7% and 26.5% for rounds 2–19, so the samples may not be fully representative of, or results fully generalisable to, the population. Nevertheless, our random community sampling procedure included individuals from all of the 315 lower tier local authority areas in...