TRANSFER paymentsCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19INVESTMENTSFARMSAlthough the COVID‐19 pandemic resulted in about a 24% decline in India's GDP during the April–June 2020 quarter, the nation's agricultural sector, somewhat surprisingly, seems to have done remarkably well. This paper examines whether ...
Defending the move to end the scheme, Health Minister Mark Butler on Friday said the government could not afford to continue funding the payments, saying he "hoped" people would continue to isolate when required. "We're going to have to start moving towards more normal programs that support t...
A pro-cyclical response from banks to these pressures will deepen any downturn and flatten the recovery. The UK banks can and are taking action, but we believe the effort has to go further and the industry needs to look at ways it works in partnership with government and regulators, to hel...
many payment processors will withhold credit card settlements to protect their business from losses incurred by chargebacks and returns that cannot be funded by the merchant. During this time of COVID-19, our Payments team is actively advocating on behalf of Mind...
government policies taken to mitigate the outbreak, two measures are taken from Oxford University: the total number of COVID-19 positive cases per one billion inhabitants, and the stringency index which is a composite measure of closures and restrictions. Finally, to control for the quality of ...
Finance Minister Bill Morneau says the federal government is deferring GST/HST payments from businesses until the end of June so companies have money to pay their employees and bills during the COVID-19 crisis. He says the move will leave around $30 billion in cash in the han...
Don’t Raid IRAs For Down Payments The First Time Homebuyer Pandemic Savings Act allows first-time buyers to withdraw from 401k or IRA retirement accounts to assist with the purchase of a home. The American Dream Down Payment Act of 2020 allows homebuyers and their families to save up to $...
Due to Covid-19, the UK Government has deferred VAT payments but VAT returns must still be submitted During the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK government issupporting businessesin many ways. One of these ways is the deferral of VAT payments from 20 March 2020 until 30 June 2020 (i.e. busine...
On 22 March, the Australian federal government announced a A$46.1 billion cash flow support package for small and medium businesses, and greater financial assistance to people on transfer payments. By the end of March, it became clear that some returning travellers were not adhering to the self...
Maija Tait, president of the Union of B.C. Municipalities and mayor of Sooke, said the latest measures will give relief to small businesses and free up funds for local government. “UBCM will monitor the impact of these measures on the state of local governments finances, and wor...