Nowadays, the response from the worldwide research community to win the COVID-19 pandemic fight has been vigorous, and a multitude of studies regarding the varying aspects of the disease (i.e. prevention, diagnosis, and therapy) have been carried out and the results will be published in the...
Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf den Einsatz von Kreativitätstechniken: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Modelle für die Online-Kommunikation in Virtuellen Teams Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Use of Creativity Techniques: Challenges, Approaches, and Models for Online ...
3 On March 8, 2020, 5 weeks after the emergence of COVID-19 in Italy, the first case of an acral chilblain-like (synonym pernio) lesion in a child with suspected COVID-19 appeared.4 Soon after, dermatologists around the world in areas hard-hit by the pandemic began reporting surges ...
PandemicPopulation immunityPreventionPublic healthCOVID-19 is pandemic, and likely to become endemic, possibly returning with greater virulence. Outlining potential public health actions, including hygiene measures, social distancing and face masks, and realistic future advances, this paper focuses on the ...
W. Mills's perspective of sociological imagination on the COVID-19 pandemic. No one directly experiences Mills's perspective in day-to-day life, and COVID-19 did it. Now, COVID-19 is not an individual or any single country problem; instead, it is a problem for every individual in the...
From a linguistic viewpoint, the COVID-19 pandemic would be no different from any other crisis were it not for the fact that, at least during the lockdown period, much of our daily communication has taken place online, often via social media. Partly because of its dazzling speed, partly ...
According to survey data from the “2020 Cox Consumer Pulse on COVID-19 and Telehealth,” only 28% of consumers reported their primary care doctor offered remote services before coronavirus. But after the pandemic started, that number quickly grew to 68%, and continues to cl...
We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden)October 16, 2020 C’mon, man. Look. Here’s the thing. Where’s my soup? Where’s Kamala? Oh, here she comes. ...
There was a substantial documented call for healthcare professionals to provide compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic and significant criticism voiced when it was lacking. This study aimed to explore perspectives on compassionate care among hea
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affects common diseases, but its impact on hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is unclear. Google Trends data is beneficial for approximate real-time statistics and because of ease in access, is expected to be used for infection explanation from ...