At least12,000Americans have already died from COVID-19 this month, as the country inches through its latest surge in cases. But another worrying statistic is oftencitedtodepict thedangersof this moment: Thenumberof patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States right now is as high...
Australia still requires testing for cruises. At this point, Princess is doing whatever the country they are visiting tells them to do. That is not what I have read on the Australia and New Zea...
Today, we shared this update with our teams globally: Many of you have been asking for some guidance around returning to the office, so you can better plan the next several months (including school plans for those with kids). We wanted to share our thinking and provide an update beyond ...
Peak 'cases' in NSW is also likely pretty soon – may have already passed but the small number of restrictions probably means that the actual top is spread out a bit. Lack of testing makes it difficult to see but judging by the UK and elsewhere, the NSW peak should be about now. ...
Restrictions on mobility due to the coronavirus Covid19: Threats and opportunities for transport and health. J. Transp. Health 2021. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] NSW Government. Sydney’s New Pop-Up Cycleways Help You Ride to Work. Available online:
propose the use of weighted graphs at the edges, giving the network model, from a stochastic approach, the possibility of identifying the most important variables in the spread of COVID-19 with real data in a city in Chile [13]. The same authors, in order to classify the importance of ...