Number of COVID-19 cases reported to WHO World, 28 days to 19 January 2025 Show tableOpen full-screen mode Sort by Country, ascending Sort by Value, descending Sort by Value, ascending Skip chart, jump to the end WHO Regions Africa Americas Eastern Mediterranean Europe South-East Asia...
Fig. 2: Estimated COVID-19 vaccination acceptance rates among adults and healthcare workers worldwide (%). a Estimated COVID-19 vaccination acceptance rates among adults (n = 6,538,325) and healthcare workers (n = 128,515) across countries are shown via map. Different colors refe...
require(ncovmap)) remotes::install_github("yiluheihei/ncovmap")Feature:get_ncov2(): retrieve latest or time-series data of covid-2019 plot_china_map(): plot on china map plot_province_map(): plot on province map of china plot_world_map(): plot on world map plot_foreign_map(): ...
Update:DataScience+ developed aninteractive dashboard with Shinyto monitor the spread of COVID-19 across the world. Hope you find it useful. In this post, I will show how the COVID-19 is distributed across the world by doing a map visualization of the confirmed cases by country. I would...
Rdata.framewith standardized column names. Theiso_files take care of merging all the data sources needed for one country, and to map the identifiers used by the provider to theidlisted in theCSV files. Finally, the functioncovid19takes care of downloading the data for all countries at all...
research groups across the world with the goal to robustly map the host genetic determinants of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the severity of the resulting COVID-19 disease. Here, we report the latest results of meta-analyses of 46 studies from 19 countries (Fig.1) for COVID-19 host genetic ...
Starting March 22, 2020, Dynata has asked internal survey platform visitors if they or anyone in their household was experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19. Visitors can answer the question a maximum of once every 48 hours, reporting information on behalf of their entire household. ...
Corona virusConfirmed COVID-19 cases Malaysia Change map selection Hide parameter selection Parameter Select the desired parameter. Corona virus COVID-19 cases by country (total)COVID-19 cases by country (per 1mio pop)COVID-19 deaths by country (total)COVID-19 deaths by country (per 1mio ...
60 @ChrisMichaelPerezSantiago/covid19 This API provides updated real-time data on coronavirus cases from the worldometers page, provided by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world. 51 @sorxrob/2019-ncov-api Map, data and timeline of coronavirus (COVID-19) 41 @is... Johns Hopkins. The coronavirus resource center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. (Official reports of the countries to the World Health Organization; benchmark)...