COVID-19LockdownOnline educationWHOThe coronavirus, which started in Wuhan (China), has spread to developed and underdeveloped countries, with the greatest impact being so far on the developed coVikram R. JadhavTushar D. BagulSagar R. Aswale...
For example, the rate in Maharashtra state is three times the national average. That's why experts say a one-size-fits-all strategy to contain the pandemic and impose and lift lockdowns will not work in the country. "The infection is not spreading uniformly. India ...
Compared to previous years and pre-lockdown period, air pollutants level and aerosol concentration (-41.91%, -37.13%, -54.94% and -46.79% respectively for Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai) in these four megacities has improved drastically during this lockdown period. Emission of PM2.5 has ...
The global shortage of condoms, during this pandemic made the life of FSWs more miserable. Following the Covid-19 lockdown, Malaysia’s Karex Bhd, the world’s largest condom producer, stated that “a global shortage of condoms is looming” (The Guardian2020). Throughout the world, procreat...
Maharashtra, India, remained a hotspot during the COVID-19 pandemic. After the initial complete lockdown, the state slowly relaxed restrictions. We aim to estimate the lockdown's impact on COVID-19 cases and associated healthcare costs.Using daily case data for 84 days (9 March-31 May 2020...
COVID-19 lockdown has brought a complete shutdown of physical interaction with school friends. There was a need to assess their social and sleep habits dur
Temporary reduction in VOCs associated with health risk during and after COVID-19 in Maharashtra, India. J Atmos Chem. 2023;80(1):53–76. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Venter ZS, Aunan K, Chowdhury S, Lelieveld J. COVID-19 lockdowns cause global air pollution declines. Proc Natl...
Services would be resumed in a phased manner starting from 8 June. It was termed “Unlock 1.0”. Second lockdown: There was no second national lockdown but a wave of State lockdowns between 8 April and 15 June 2021. When cases rapidly increased in Maharashtra, the Chief Minister announced...
COVID-19 Latest Information In April 2021, it has been seen that many coronavirus patients are being infected with mucormycosis (also called black fungus), especially in Maharashtra. Know more about mucormycosis in the linked article. Also read more about the covid-19 virus variants in the li...
Overall, we have attempted to identify and evaluate the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on food prices using lockdown as a natural experiment (i.e., an exogenous shock), a longer time period (i.e., 284 days) and a quasi-experimental approach. Also, we document changes in food purchase,...