The nodes, also known as a cluster, are labelled by using their respective keywords. The larger the node or cluster, the more frequently the keyword is used, while the thicker the edge, the higher the frequency of the connected keywords. The length of the edge represents the distance between...
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has led to nearly 800 million people being infected with the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) labelled Covid-19 (, as of March 17th, 2024). Many patients suffer from symptoms impeding daily living long...
There is one descriptive theme and key finding under this category from the adult ICU (Fig.7; Supplementary Table13, Additional File1). During restricted family presence, 19 adult ICU studies described language, cultural, and disability barriers that challenged communication with patients and families...
Moreover, magnetic labelled SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody were studied to investigate any enhancement in the sensor performance. The results indicate the successful fabrication of a promising field effect transistor biosensor for COVID-19 diagnosis.
From the 2478 English-speaking participants, we prepared a training and validation set consisting of 800 participants with balanced COVID-19 status and other demographics to optimise the parameters of our deep learning model, as labelled by the yellow box in Fig. 1a. In the training and validati...
Fan et al. [29] has developed a semi-supervised approach to alleviate the shortage of labelled data. To overcome the pitfalls of noisy labels, Wang et al. [30] have developed a noise-robust segmentation network through the usage of a novel Dice loss and an adaptive self-ensembling training...
(non-clinical) populations. The analysis is inductive and iterative, uses constant comparison, and aims to develop a theory. The qualitative synthesis encompasses all text labelled as ‘results’ or ‘findings’ and uses this as raw data. The raw data includes participant’s quotes; thus, the...
Early treatment of Favipiravir in COVID-19 patients without pneumonia: a multicentre, open-labelled, randomized control study. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022;11:2197–206. 16. Doi Y, Hibino M, Hase R, Yamamoto M, Kasamatsu Y, Hirose M, et al. Prospective, randomized, open-label trial of...
For the 8:1 and 15:1 ratios, we also considered scenarios where cohorts of 8 or 15 students attend the same classroom in alternate weeks, labelled 8(A):1 and 15(A):1 respectively. In the primary school setting, we considered the higher student-educator ratio 30:1 as an example of ...
Diagram showing the deep feature extraction and codebook design steps followed by classification of CXR images in our proposed method. Note that s1, s2, and s3 denote max pooling operation performed at three different scales such as1×1,2×2, and3×3, respectively. Note that during training ph...