While the overall cumulative incidence of many symptoms was high in both groups, the proportion reporting moderate/severe symptoms was consistently higher in the COVID-19 group with over 35% reporting moderate/severe fatigue and muscle or joint pain. Symptoms in the COVID-19 group were only ...
A high percentage of patients suffered symptoms also after recovery from the Coronavirus Disease—2019 (COVID-19) infection. It is not well clear what
Occurs following recovery but does not appear to play a role in transmission in relatively healthy people >10d following the onset of infection (though some variants may be infectious longer, viral RNA may be detected long after for many weeks; hence, why repeated routine testing for ...
smoking status, severity of acute illness, COVID-19 vaccination status, and dominant UK circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant at time of symptom onset. Mutually adjusted Time Ratios (aTR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) were estimated. An aTR >1 is interpreted as a slower symptom recovery rate ...
In conclusion, manifestations of rheumatological interest such as joint pain, new-onset inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia are frequently reported after COVID-19, highlighting the potential role of SARS-CoV-2 as a trigger for the development of autoimmune conditions and...
脑血管意外是COVID-19后常见的神经系统后遗症。可能会有残余的神经肌肉无力或头痛(2-3%),这可能导致极度疼痛的脊柱痛。严重的肌肉病、疲劳、肌肉无力可在恢复期产妇中观察到,在采用区域麻醉和围手术期危险分层前应予以考虑。 Renal system Acute kidney injury (AKI) after SARS‑CoV‑2 infection has proved...
The most commonly reported symptoms after acute COVID-19 are fatigue and dyspnea. Other common symptoms include joint pain and chest pain.3In addition to these general symptoms, specific organ dysfunction has been reported, involving primarily the heart, lungs, and brain. From a pathogenesis standp...
脑血管意外是COVID-19后常见的神经系统后遗症。可能会有残余的神经肌肉无力或头痛(2-3%),这可能导致极度疼痛的脊柱痛。严重的肌肉病、疲劳、肌肉无力可在恢复期产妇中观察到,在采用区域麻醉和围手术期危险分层前应予以考虑。 Renal system Acute kidney injury (AKI) after SARS‑CoV‑2 infection has proved...
脑血管意外是COVID-19后常见的神经系统后遗症。可能会有残余的神经肌肉无力或头痛(2-3%),这可能导致极度疼痛的脊柱痛。严重的肌肉病、疲劳、肌肉无力可在恢复期产妇中观察到,在采用区域麻醉和围手术期危险分层前应予以考虑。 Renal system ...