监测自己和家中其他人有无出现任何COVID-19症状,包括发烧、咳嗽、疲倦、味觉或嗅觉丧失、喉咙痛、肌肉或身体疼痛、头痛、流鼻涕、食欲不振、恶心、腹泻或呼吸急促,或意识改变。如果出现以上任何症状,请进行检测。 如果出现以下任何严重的COVID-19症状,请立即就医: 呼吸困难 胸痛 意识混乱 丧失言语或行动能力 对于幼儿...
Home care attorney Elizabeth E. Hogue, Esq. has been so moved by the COVID-19 crisis that she shared a recent email entitled "A Love Letter to Home Care" which is shared below: As you may already know, I love home care and many of the people who provide it. When someone describes...
Home Care Rapidly Adapts to Impacts of COVID-19, Shining a Light on Importance of Care at HomeHogan, LakelynKnoke, LaNitaJournal of Managed Care Nursing
A collection of the latest articles and resources on COVID-19, including ivermectin trials, historic Q&A's with former NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, and more. View all COVID-19 RESEARCH Research Letter Participation in the Acute Hospital Care at Home Program ...
INFORMATION FOR COVID-19 PATIENTS WHO ARE NOT HOSPITALIZED Stay home except to get medical care. Do not go to work, school, or public areas, and do not use public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis. Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home. As much as possible, ...
“We know many families are valiantly trying to care for their loved ones at home, but for those who are most at risk of severe COVID-19, home care won’t be enough,” Dr Fong said last night. “These individuals need their oxygen levels closely monitored, likely need access to supple...
COVID-19 Response Center Artha Graha Peduli with JIS Peduli has distributed 1,000 Sanitation Home Care Kits to the community in South Jakarta Jakarta, 01 April 2020 COVID-19 Response Center Artha Graha Peduli with JIS Peduli has distributed 1,000 Sanitation Home Care Kits to the community in...
Tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents depend on home care to support their health as they age or cope with physical challenges. That care often requires close personal contact, increasing the risk of contracting COVID-19 among both home-care clien
Yunus Emre Institute has launched a scientific hub which is published at covid19.tabipacademy.com as part of the Academic and Scientific Cooperation ...
Survivors of COVID-19 are a vulnerable population who often have health ramifications from their illness and hospital stay. Upon returning home from acute care, large proportions of survivors experience functional dependencies, pain, dyspnea, and exhaustion. Until now, no data has been available on...