(2020)。 Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker。 布拉瓦尼克政府學院。連絡人對於新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) Data Lake 中的這個資料集或其他資料集如有任何問題,請連絡 askcovid19dl@microsoft.com。資料行展開資料表 名稱資料類型唯一Values (sample)描述 c1_flag boolean 3 True 地理範圍的二元...
此資料來自 Thomas Hale、Sam Webster、Anna Petherick、Toby Phillips 和 Beatriz Kira。 (2020)。 Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker。布拉瓦尼克政府學院。 原始資料會每天從最新的 OxCGRT csv 檔案內嵌。 如需此資料集的詳細資訊,包括其收集方式,請參閱政府追蹤器回應網站。
respectively, on theOxford Containment and Health Index. At this point, only six countries registered more than 50 points on the index. By the time the deadlier Delta strain was classified as a variant of concern by the WHO on May 10, ...
BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government on Friday released a circular on further optimizing the COVID-19 response, announcing 20 prevention and control measures. The circular stressed resolute efforts to put the people and their lives above everything else, practice the general strate...
THE Chinese Government today released a circular on further optimizing the COVID-19 response, announcing 20 prevention and control measures. The circular stressed resolute efforts to put the people and their lives above everything...
The goal of this research is to describe Bangladesh's pandemic challenges and government response to the worldwide issue.doi:10.12944/jbsfm.03.01-02.09Ishtiaque ArifMohammad Maksudul KarimM. RahmanA. B. Abdul HamidJournal of Business Strategy Finance and Management...
A global panel database of pandemic policies (Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker) Article COVID-19 Government Response Event Dataset (CoronaNet v.1.0) Background & Summary In December 2019, a new coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China and spread to nearly every country in the first quar...
我们使用COVID-19政府响应跟踪系统 (Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker) 收集了148个国家应对COVID-19的收紧指数(Stringency Index,SI)信息。采用GBTM方法来检查SI的轨迹,采用多变量线性回归模型分析达到高水平SI的时间与单日新发病例峰值出现时间之间的关联。政府响应COVID-19的四个阶段根据SI开始时间,...
COVID-19PandemicGovernment responseStringency IndexBackground: Amidst a global COVID-19 pandemic situation, government adequate preparation and response plays an important role. Therefore, this study aimeddoi:10.2139/ssrn.3631304Lee, HocheolKim, Ji Eon...
我们使用COVID-19政府响应跟踪系统 (Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker) 收集了148个国家应对COVID-19的收紧指数(Stringency Index,SI)信息。采用GBTM方法来检查SI的轨迹,采用多变量线性回归模型分析达到高水平SI的时间与单日新发病例...