We have consolidated authoritative dashboards on flattening the curve, spread of the virus, and vulnerable populations. See the latest health care data trackers capturing the way providers are visualizing the spread of COVID-19.
Tableau 正在運用 Tableau Prep Builder 建立完善的約翰霍普金斯大學 COVID-19 資料串流,其中結合了 WHO 和 CDC 病例資料。除了向您提供完善的最新資料之外,我們也運用 Tableau Desktop 建立全球冠狀病毒追蹤儀表板和 COVID-19 入門工作簿,協助您開始結合您自己的資料。
Secondly, we used the publicly available district-level data of people testing SARS-CoV2 PCR positive and deaths (available at https://covid19-dashboard.ages.at/). The third dataset used were daily COVID-19-related hospital admissions for each district provided by the Austrian National Public...
Joe Durson, Chief Technology Officer at PurpleCloud, shared that “Tableau has built-in features that let us create dashboards where non-technical people can easily monitor the status of their hotel and use data to ensure they maintain safe operating standards....
Kick-start your personal and professional goals this year with Tableau Public. Learn more → covid_analysis by Details 023 covid_analysis Published: Jun 8, 2023Updated: Jun 8, 2023English (US) Deutsch English (UK) English (US) Español Français (Canada) Français (France) ...
MIT Technology Review has produced a ranking of these tracking and forecasting dashboards and to facilitate the production of data visualizations and dashboards of the pandemic, Tableau has created a COVID-19 Data Hub with a COVID-19 Starter Workbook. Sarkar (2020) provides a Python script to...
Secondly, we used the publicly available district-level data of people testing SARS-CoV2 PCR positive and deaths (available at https://covid19-dashboard.ages.at/). The third dataset used were daily COVID-19-related hospital admissions for each district provided by the Austrian National Public...
https://public.tableau.com/profile/peter.james.walker#!/vizhome/COVID-19attheWhiteHouse-ContactTracking/Home. Google Scholar 3 R. Aguas, R.M. Corder, J.G. King, G. Gonçalves, U, M Ferreira Herd Immunity Thresholds for SARS-CoV-2 Estimated from Unfolding Epidemics (2020), 10.1101/...
https://public.tableau.com/views/COVID-19PublicDashboard/Covid-19Public?:embed=y&:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no, Accessed 24th May 2020 Google Scholar State of Connecticut, 2020 State of Connecticut [Connecticut_COVID-19 tests, confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and Deaths_Statewide.csv] Re...
Does not use red or visually alarming colors in visualization Optimized for mobile and desktop viewing For partner solutions and dashboards submitHERE We appreciate your help in this fight to help the world better understand COVID-19.