该数据集包含20例诊断为COVID-19的患者的CT扫描以及专家对肺部和感染的分割。 平均每类162图 大小有630*630,512*512,401*630; 有病区域占总体面积比:11170073 / 993762820 = 1.12%; 有病区域占有病图像...
Mosmed COVID-19 CT Scans-数据集 行业研究 - 数据集路过**的风 上传1.71 GB 文件格式 zip 数据集 该数据集包含具有COVID-19相关发现以及没有发现的匿名人肺计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描。总共,一例患者进行了1000次CT扫描。用二进制像素掩码注释了50个研究的子集,以对感兴趣的区域(毛玻璃混浊和合并)进行分割。
数据名称上传日期大小下载 metadata.csv2021-02-025.37KB COVID-19 CT scans_datasets.txt2021-02-02270.00Bytes COVID-19 CT scans_datasets.zip2021-02-041.03GB 文档 COVID-19 CT scans 20 CT scans and expert segmentations of patients with COVID-19 ...
1000 CT scans of healthy and COVID-19 confirmed patients Data This dataset contains anonymised human lung computed tomography (CT) scans with COVID-19 related findings, as well as without such findings. In total, there are 1000 CT scans each from a unique patient. ...
数据集概述 COVID-19 CT scans数据集包含20例诊断为COVID-19的患者的CT扫描以及专家对肺部和感染的分割。具体参数如下: · 平均每类162图 大小有630630,512512,401*630; · 有病区域占总体面积比:11170073 / 993762820 = 1.12%; · 有病区域占有病图像面积比: 11170073 / 525924858 = 2.12%; ..., all the metadata of patients (except the private information) for each CT scan folder has been reported. In the next figure you can see what a sequence look like: An image sequence belongs to one folder of the CT scans of a patient ...
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is highly contagious and pathogenic. Currently, the diagnosis of COVID-19 is based on nucleic acid testing, but it has false negatives and hysteresis. The use of lung CT scans can help screen and effectively monitor diagnosed cases. The application of computer-ai...
受新型冠状病毒感染的肺部,在胸部CT图像中表现出非常明显的病理特征,为此开发了一种自动分割模型能够帮助医生进行有效的诊断和分析.基于3D U-Net分割框架,提出了一种结合挤压与激励模块和注意力机制结合的3D SE-ResNet深度学习模型.采用包含200张COVID-193D CT图像数据集并通过大量的数据增强后对模型进行了训练和评估...
COVID-CT数据集下载 技术标签:深度学习数据集 样本图片 Overview The COVID-CT-Dataset has 349 CT images containing clinical findings of COVID-19 from 216 patients. They are in ./Images-processed/ Non-COVID CT scans are in ./Image......
COVID-19 Lung CT ScansCOVID-CT-Dataset: A CT Scan Dataset about COVID-19 Overview The images are collected from COVID19-related papers from medRxiv, bioRxiv, NEJM, JAMA, Lancet, etc. CTs containing COVID-19 abnormalities are selected by reading the figure captions in the papers. All ...