COVID-CT-Dataset具有349张CT图像,其中包含来自216位患者的COVID-19的临床表现。图像是从medRxiv,bioRxiv,NEJM,JAMA,柳叶刀等的COVID19相关论文中收集的。 20例COVID-19患者的CT扫描和专家分割(采集来源不同,每个CT相差大)
COVID-19-CT SCAN IMAGES数据集包含了1400张CT肺部扫描图像。该数据集有两种类别,其中新冠(COVID-19)阳性患者的CT扫描图像有58张,未感染新冠的CT扫描图像有1342张。肺部CT扫描图像对判断是否患有新冠疾病及新冠感染程度都有重要帮助。准确快速地筛查出新冠阳性患者不但有利于患者尽快恢复健康,更有利于快速控制这一传...
COVID-CT-MD dataset, which is accompanied with lobe-level, slice-level and patient-level labels, has the potential to facilitate the COVID-19 research, in particular COVID-CT-MD can assist in development of advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) based solutions....
@misc{image8224, title = { COVID-19 CT图像数据集 } author = { Ustinian }, howpublished = { \url{} } year = { 2020 } } 信息 挂载目录 /home/mw/input/image8224 数据格式 .zip 文件大小 85.7 MB 主题 医疗健康 技术领域...
The International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 dataset is one of the largest international databases of prospectively collected clinical data on people hospitalized with COVID-19. This dataset was compiled
图8表现了不同模型在Dataset-2上的结果。由于该数据集包含的CT容积中的感染水平通常更高,这使得学习和优化更有利,因此获得了相对较高的分割性能。 图8.在Dataset-2上不同网络性能的比较 3.2定性分析 图9给出了不同网络分割性能的定性表示。作者指出小的感染区域和具有不同解剖形态嵌入胸腔的动脉、静脉,其相似的...
COVID-19 CT扫描 20例COVID-19患者的CT扫描和专家分割 1. Overview About this dataset CT scans plays a supportive role in the diagnosis of COVID-19 and is a key procedure for determining the severity that the patient finds himself in. ... One part of the dataset(sufficient for training and testing deep neural networks) is also shared at: ...
【COVID-19新冠肺炎胸片图像数据集】’covid-chestxray-dataset - We are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.' by Joseph Paul Cohen GitHub:
hospitalized_cumulative int 7,641 89995 4 到目前為止,因新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 而前往醫院就診的總人數,包括之後康復或死亡者。 hospitalized_currently smallint 3,886 8 13 在這天,因新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 而住院的人數。 hospitalized_increase smallint 615 1和 2 已取代 in_icu_cumulative smallin...