Player Fri 11/15 08:00am - Wed 11/27 08:00am Loop span12 days 6 fps Fast Slow 139K349K3.0M5.3M6.8M Wed 11/27/2024,09:00pmGMT+08 Malaysia COVID-19 cases by country (total) Source: Johns Hopkins University / Worldometer
Worldwide Daily Cases 6.26.2020 (Source: Worldometers) Welcome to Friday. Weeks that seemed long to me when all this first began are now clipping by. Next week is July and we head into the heart of summer. It’s a great time to hit a trail, get out on the water or take a long...
Specifically, the country recorded more than 7 million confirmed infections and a mortality rate exceeding 146,000 individuals, from January 2019 to October 2024 by the Worldometer website ( While the majority of COVID-19 cases result in ...
The repository stores the data for covid19 cases in India from the sources,, and covid-19 covid19-data covid-19-dataset coronavirus-india mohfw Updated Oct 14, 2020 Ahmad...
Worldwide Daily Deaths 7.2.2020 (Source: Regarding worldwide trends, they remain the same, only more so, if that make sense. Three countries continue to dominate in new cases and represent well over half the new cases yesterday: The United States (51,097), Brazil (44,88...
COVID-19 cases, including prevalence and mortality, were obtained from"" 27 August 2020.#There is a clear trend toward the worldwide prevalence of MTHFR 677T and COVID-19 incidence and mortality. The prevalence of MTHFR 677T allele in the Latino ...
Individuals worldwide are overwhelmed with news about COVID-19. In times of pandemic, media alternate the usage of different COVID-19 indicators, ranging from the more typical crude mortality rate to the case fatality rate, and the infection fatality rate continuously. In this article, we used...
Daily use of facemasks, test kits and the number of infected cases is an open-end topic. It is a big kick to the economy of many countries of the world. Now it is time to divert the threat into an opportunity by converting the waste into useful material. The Kingdom is facing solid...
America has been the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic for the past few months, and Brazil has the third highest total number of COVID-19 cases worldwide and the second highest number of deaths. The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating on Latin America, with all regions and all ...
COVID-19 has a direct impact on the employment of older people. This adds to the challenge of ageism. The World Health Organization has started a worldwide campaign to combat ageism and has called for more research and evidence-based strategies that have