Since there are a significant number of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) with unique concerns and challenges during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we reviewed existing literature, relevant websites, and related guidelines to form this narrative review to help address key questions in this ...
Children with COVID-19 more likely to develop type 1 diabetes, study finds 研究发现,患COVID-19儿童更容易患1型糖尿病 small team of researchers with members from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and th...
1. Rubino, F., et al., New-Onset Diabetes in Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine, 2020. 2. Richardson, S., et al., Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA, 2020. 3. Bornstein, S.R...
本研究中提出的分析,特别是 PBMC 的 scRNA-seq 尚未针对之前的疫苗评估进行过, 无论免疫系统功能相关基因的变化是 COVID-19特异性还是可以普遍应用于其他疫苗或其他类型COVID-19疫苗的数量仍有待确定。然而,这些类型的详细分析应该总体上有益于疫苗的开发和应用。我们的研究假设,必须考虑疫苗接种对某些医疗条件【34...
很多新冠患者病情越严重,血糖越高,有的出现了由新冠而导致的突发糖尿病(Sudden Onset Diabetes)。甚至...
我们的下一篇文章是,COVID是否推迟了儿童1型糖尿病的诊断并加重了该病的表现。 This was across-sectional, web-based surveyof all Italian pediatric diabetes centers to collect diabetes,DKAand COVID-19 data in patients presenting withne...
Children with diabetes do not seem to be at higher risk of getting COVID-19 infection compared to those with no diabetes. However, the infection may make the blood glucose difficult to manage and may impact the ability to take in carbohydrates. More importantly, access to care may be delayed...
Since the first reports of Covid-19 in Wuhan, China, research from all around the globe has confirmed the relationship between diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and Covid-19 outcomes. The high frequencies of these comorbidities among hospitalized patients and in those with fatal ...
The covid pandemic has been linked to quicker progression to clinical disease in young people with presymptomatic type 1 diabetes. This accelerated progression was confined to people who had a confirmed covid infection, German researchers said in a research letter in JAMA .1 A rise since covid ...
A2020 analysisindicates that people withtype 1andtype 2 diabeteshave three times the risk of complications as those without diabetes. For example, in a2020 study, 22.2% of people in the intensive care unit had diabetes compared with 10.1% of the overall population hospitalized with COVID-19. ...