研究者建议 研究人员强调,尽管研究数量很少,但必须要考虑COVID-19与SSNHL之间存在关联的可能性,因此进一步调查很重要。建议在重症监护病房中筛查听力损失,以避免错过治疗窗口并减少与听力损失相关的发病率。 End 参考资料: [1] Sudden irreversible ...
COVID-19VaccinationHearing lossRetro-cochlear pathologyThis article highlights a client with sensorineural hearing loss reported after 2 days of 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccination. The audiological evaluations suggest unilateral hearing loss which recovered after the treatment. This article focuses on ...
[1] Sudden irreversible hearing loss post COVID-19
根据美国国家耳聋和其他沟通障碍研究所(National Institute on deafness and Other Communication Disorders)的说法,突发性听力损失(Sudden hearing loss)又称突发性耳聋,是一种突发且无法解释的听力损失,通常发生在瞬间或几天内,一般只有一只耳朵受损。但这种情况并不罕见,每年每10万人中就有多达160例。在大多数...
Much of the population was infected with the Coronavirus during the pandemic beginning in 2020. There are presently more than 1000 publications attempting to relate the Covid-19 infection to dizziness or hearing loss. Because of the almost everyone has had Covid, or been vacinnated for covid,...
This cohort study examines if there is an association between COVID-19 vaccinations and sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Finnish residents.
Preliminary Analysis of Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Sudden Hearing Loss Using US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Data Eric J. Formeister, MD, MS1;Wade Chien, MD1;Yuri Agrawal, MD1;et alJohn P. Carey, MD1;C. Matthew Stewart, ...
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) has emerged as a potential complication of COVID-19 infection and vaccination. Various mechanisms by which the SARS-CoV-2 virus can cause hearing loss have been reported, including direct viral invasion, neuroinflammation, blood flow disturbances, and immune...
And six patients experienced vertigo — a sudden spinning sensation. "The timing of symptom onset suggested a correlation between COVID-19 infection and hearing loss," Dr. Brian Doctrow, Ph.D. with the National Institutes of Health, wrote. The researchers found infection by COVI...
Between COVID-19 Vaccine and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Original Investigation April 1, 2022 This cohort study of patients in Israel assesses whether the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine is associated with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. ...