PregnancySARs-CoV-2TreatmentVaccineVertical transmissionSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel virus responsible for causing an infection known as COVID-19. Several pulmonary and systemic manifestations of the illness have been described since the discovery of this ...
Here's why it's so important to get your COVID vaccine during pregnancy: The vaccine lowers the risk of severe COVID Although the majority of pregnant women who get COVID-19 have healthy pregnancies and babies, they're at higher risk for severe illness and ICU admission, intubation, and ...
No specific pharmacotherapy has been identified to improve outcomes in pregnancy with ARDS. Adjunctive therapies aimed at immune-modulation and anti-viral treatment with COVID-19 infection during pregnancy have been reported but data in regard to its efficacy and safety is currently lacking....
3. COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy Evidence shows that pregnant women may be more vulnerable to infectious pathogens (Dashraath et al., 2020). To date, COVID-19 vaccines with different mechanisms of action, mRNA, viral vector, inactivated vacin, protein subunit, and DNA are available. Clinic...
中国首例COVID-19孕妇治疗后分娩三胞胎早产儿阴性 [收稿日期] 2 021-12-01[基金项目] 国家自然科学基金研究项目(81960290);云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2019J1316)[作者简介] 封在李(1984-),男(拉祜族),云南省芒市人,副主任医师,主要从事围产与新生儿疾病研究。
Patient Information: Oral Antiviral Medications for COVID-19 Lindsay A. Petty, MD, Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ April 25, 2022 JAMA Patient Page Patient Information: COVID-19 and Pregnancy Kristin Walter, MD, MS December 10, 2021 Expand View all COVID-19 MULTIMEDIA A New Legal ...
While the mRNA platforms of the available COVID-19 vaccines are distinct from both influenza and Tdap vaccines now used during pregnancy, mRNA platforms have been in development for the last decade. Similar mRNA vaccines have been used in clinical trials targeting other infections such as Zika, ...
Pregnancy Damaged or scarred lung tissue (pulmonary fibrosis) Smoking Thalassemia Type 1 diabetes Depression Anxiety Schizophrenia Some children and teens who are in the hospital with COVID-19 have an inflammatory condition that doctors are calling multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Doctors thi...
If you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatment, you should keep rapid lateral flow tests at home. You might also be able to receive free rapid lateral flow tests. You can also have someone collect the tests for you if they provide your details and proof of eligibility. If you have any symp...
Although the World Health Organization recently reported that pregnant patients do not have a higher risk of infection than the rest of the population, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists and The Royal College of Midwives for COVID-19 infection in pregnancy published Guidelines for pregnant...