PSYCHIATRIC researchMEDICAL personnelCOVID-19 pandemicEMERGENCY services in psychiatric hospitalsJOB stressMENTAL depressionBackground: Prehospital emergency staff usually encounter patients in situations that can affect the mental health of the medical staff and cause symptoms of depression...
This review makes an update about research on the mental health of the elderly during the pandemic. Also, it discusses the vulnerability of these individuals in the face of stress and in the case of contracting COVID-19, considering mainly the stress’s hormonal and inflammatory mechanisms. ...
COVID-19 and the Need for Action on Mental Health UN Sustainable Development Group Policy Brief (United Nations, 2020). Tackling the Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis: An Integrated, Whole-of-Society Response (OECD, 2021). Rehm, J. & Shield, K. D. Global burden of disease ...
Our paper provides empirical evidence of the immediate impact of COVID-19 on both physical and mental health. Utilizing a difference-in-differences methodology and focusing on changes in within-individual health condition between pre-COVID-19 and the early stages of COVID-19, we find robust ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted greatly the mental health of children. We performed a systematic review to better understand the impact of the pandemic
Mental health Caregiver strain Children with special needs COVID-19 Telerehabilitation What this paper adds? The current study provides insight into the psychological status and strain on caregivers of special needs children during the COVID-19 outbreak. The high prevalence of depressive symptoms and ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on the mental health of populations around the world, but there has been limited focus on the impact on people with existing mental health conditions in low-income countries. The aim of this study was to examine impact of the pandemic on ...
Research articleFull text access A 16-month longitudinal investigation of risk and protective factors for mental health outcomes throughout three national lockdowns and a mass vaccination campaign: Evidence from a weighted Israeli sample during COVID-19 Nimrod Hertz-Palmor, Shachar Ruppin, Noam Mata...
COVID-19 continues to exert unprecedented challenges for society and it is now well recognised that mental health is a key healthcare issue related to the pandemic. The current edition of the Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine focusses on the impact of COVID-19 on mental illness by combin...
A new paper, to be published today in The Lancet Psychiatry, highlights an urgent need to tackle the harmful impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and potentially the brain and calls for research on these areas to be central to the global res