The Rawah and Comanche Peak areas would tend to be more typical of the overall dataset than either the Neota or Cache la Poudre, due to their assortment of tree species and range of predictive variable values (elevation, etc.) Cache la Poudre would probably be more unique than the others,...
The Rawah and Comanche Peak areas would tend to be more typical of the overall dataset than either the Neota or Cache la Poudre, due to their assortment of tree species and range of predictive variable values (elevation, etc.) Cache la Poudre would probably be more unique than the others,...
内容提示: Covertype Data Set(植被型数据集) 数据摘要 Forest CoverType dataset 中文关键词 机器学习,多变量,分类,植被型,UCI, 英文关键词 Machine Learning,MultiVarite,Classification,Covertype,UCI, 数据格式 TEXT 数据用途 This data is used for classification. 数据详细介绍 Covertype Data Set Abstract: ...
CovertypeDataSet(植被型数据集) 数据摘要: ForestCoverTypedataset 中文关键词: 机器学习,多变量,分类,植被型,UCI, 英文关键词: MachineLearning,MultiVarite,Classification,Covertype,UCI, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: Thisdataisusedforclassification. 数据详细介绍: ...
This dataset contains tree observations from four areas of the Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado. 该数据集包含科罗拉多州罗斯福国家森林四个地区的树木观测结果。 covtype.csv