Covermark平替测评,哪款胜? 经过一周的精心测试,终于在双十一前给大家带来了这份Covermark粉底替代品的测评报告!这周我的皮肤状态不太好,还爆了痘,再加上天气降温,真是对粉底的严峻考验啊! 1️⃣ Makeup Forever(玫珂菲) 滋润度:⭐️⭐️一般般,有点干 色号:买的两个色号颜色差不多,选择余地不大...
🎉 2021年,我跟随温宝的推荐,入手了Covermark和Makeup Forever的产品。起初,我用Covermark来遮瑕,但效果并不理想,可能是我的使用方法不当,导致眼下卡粉,最终闲置了。😔🔍 后来,我发现了Makeup Forever的遮瑕效果非常出色,尤其是遮法令纹方面。我尝试了直接使用自带的粉扑,但结果并不如预期,法令纹反而更加明显...
. Covermarkwill release itsholiday 2024makeup collection in Japan on October 25th. The collection includes: –Face Up Pressed Powder (above, 2 shades (in 01 Light Up Pink & 02 Light Up Beige), SPF 23, PA++, with sponge, limited edition (limited-edition design of existing item), ¥70...
【免費】Covermark 免費肌色測試!近期流行 #NoMakeupMakeup、#潦草妝 等等,重點都是想化出水感裸肌妝容,從以展現一種不做作的美學概念。為了打造出自然的光澤感,底妝要做到透薄貼服。但是如果您並不知道自己 #肌膚的真實色調,結果買回來的粉底色號不適合自己,反而令底妝變得暗淡無光,或出現膚色不均的情況。 只...
A Hundred Flowers(2022) makeup products $2.1MM Shin Godzilla(2016) makeup cooperation $458K $1.9MM $78MM Crows Zero II(2009) hairmake cooperation $30MM COMPANYmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free...
🌟最棒的是,这款粉底液不会起痘!真的不会起痘!前段时间我生物钟不规律,皮肤特别脆弱,要出门的时候发现Makeup Forever的遮瑕度不够,Dior的喷雾粉底液又很容易掉妆,只有这款用了之后一天下来都不闷痘,遮瑕度和持久度都很棒,我一定会回购的!0 0
because the skin of modern people is undergoing the test of all kinds of bad conditions, Covermark brand is based on this, constantly developing the sense of use with zero burden, and can maintain the perfect makeup products for a long time. As a foundation expert, she has won the attent...
Base Makeup Skincare FAQs Contact UsBook a skin counseling appointment What’s your skin issue? Experience professional skin analysis with a one-on-one skin consultation session at our beauty counters to find your best suitable foundation. Make An Appointment Name* Contact No.* Email* Be...
A Hundred Flowers(2022) makeup products $2.1MM Shin Godzilla(2016) makeup cooperation $458K $1.9MM $78MM Crows Zero II(2009) hairmake cooperation $30MM COMPANYmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free...