diam(H)可以认为是常数。 其实和generalization的关系都是我瞎推的,我其实还没看真的covering number generalization bound是不是这样的。其实现在的generalization bound还没成型!注意到,在bound里并没有体现 error随着n增加而减小,也就是没有类似1/n,1/sqrt(n)这样的项。我认为想要弄出1/n,肯定是从K里面出来的...
Recently, sample complexity bounds have been derived for problems involving linear functions such as neural networks and support vector machines. In many of these theoretical studies, the concept of covering numbers played an important role. It is thus useful to study covering numbers for linear func...
In the Line Cover problem a set of n points is given and the task is to cover the points using either the minimum number of lines or at most k lines. In Curve Cover, a generalization of Line Cover, the task is to cover the points using curves with d degrees of freedom. Another gen...
摘要: In the Maximum Covering Location problem (MCLP) we have to decide a fixed and finite number of base locations such that the resulting base coverage is maximised. Although the underlying assumptions of this simplistic model are restrictive, it is often used to quickly obtain preliminary resul...
Saurabh, Quadratic upper bounds on the Erd's-Psa property for a generalization of packing and covering cycles, J. Graph Theory, 74 (2013) 417-424.F. V. Fomin, D. Lokshtanov, N. Misra, G. Philip, and S. Saurabh. Quadratic upper bounds on the Erd˝os-Po´sa property for a ...
(Pessoa, Resende, & Ribeiro, 2013). SCP can be considered as a generalized version of USCP if each set is associated with a positive weight value, and the objective of SCP is to determine a cover with the smallest total weight. Moreover,CP is a generalization of the SCP. Each element...
In this article, we consider a generalization of strength-3 mixed covering arrays that allows a 3-uniform hypergraph structure which specifies the choices of 3×n subarrays in C. The number of columns in such array is called its size . Given a weighted 3-uniform hypergraph H , a strength...
column.Let CANðt;k;vÞ denote the minimum number N such that a CAðN;t;k;vÞ exists,i.e.,CANðt;k;vÞ ¼ minfN : 9 CAðN;t;k;vÞg:Then CANðt;k;vÞ is called the covering array number.Covering arrays can be viewed as a generalization of orthogonal ...
This is a generalization of the well-known vehicle routing problem (VRP). Our algorithm is based on the linear programming (LP) relaxation of a set-covering-like integer linear programming formulation of the problem, with additional constraints. The LP-relaxation is solved by column generation, ...
Alon–Füredi [1] give a generalization of Proposition 1.2(iii) to rectangular boxes. Bounds on the degree of polynomials nonvanishing in a nonempty subset of a grid can be found in Ball–Serra [3] in a more general situation. 1.1 Partial covers of PG(2, q) In the above we looked ...