【加州全保Covered California】的申请则需要提供合法有效的移民身份证明(工卡、绿卡、美国护照)及收入证明,报税季会收到1095A和3895表格,上面详细标明全年购买保险的时间,及每月政府补助的金额。
好消息 open enrollment刚刚过 covered California就宣布special的“special enrollment” 一般年份的special enrollment都需要证明文件以证明special event才符合申请医疗保险的资格 今年因为疫情的原因 不需要 所以医保可以继续申请 目前截止到5月15号,当月申请,保险下月生效 还没有医疗保险的朋友们赶紧来 加州是强制医疗 也...
From 2014 to 2017, all gold plans in California were more expensive than comparable silver plans that were offered by the same insurer using the same network in the same county. For the 2018 plan year, however, some gold plans that had lower cost sharing also had lower premiums than did ...