covermymeds/mkvmPublic Notifications Fork4 Star6 master BranchesTags mkvm/rename.rb/ Jump to Dan SajnerAdd a script to rename a VM. Latest commit6557619Mar 16, 2016History 0contributors executable file87 lines (79 sloc)2.82 KB RawBlame ...
That’s all for now. Don’t forget to hydrate, take your meds, enjoy some yummy foods, and take care of yourself. I appreciate everyone who has given me the patience and support I needed while I deal with everything. Here’s to 2023 going a little easier on us. I have been a Juk...
I don’t deny my culture i don’t pretend i live in a country that can see me as i am with out need for a label, but i also am not going to pretend that it is ok to talk about “passing” and “white privilege” like they are supposed to be apart of my consciousness cus “...
there have been times when it’s felt like we were witnessing a legend in the making. He was also impressive inWarrior,The RevenantandLocke(the latter being a highly underrated flick, and perhaps my favorite Hardy role). Actually, his