Why cover art matters A well-designed cover is one of the first ways to get people talking about your next release. It can bridge the gap between your music’s audio and visual components and, if done right, become iconic and a part of people’s everyday lives. We’ve seen cover art...
艺术的发生 Art Can Help 罗伯特·亚当斯 穿过尘世闪耀的光 ¥70.4 论照片:如何读懂一幅摄影作品 ¥99 佳作独家|完整呈现《十面灵璧图》|意大利精印|片云:吴彬的十面灵璧 ¥880 The Drawings of Al Taylor / 艾尔·泰勒的素描 ¥269 Paul Cezanne: Painting People/塞尚绘画人物 ¥105 【瑕疵...
Cover Art Shop - We are the best online shop for album cover art designs! Browse our covers and customize your favorite today.
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书名:Classique: Cover Art for Classical Music 经典:古典音乐的封面艺术 定价:388.0 ISBN:9783899552287 作者:Horst Scherg & Robert Klanten, eds. 版次:1 出版时间:2008-01 内容提要: 佳作书局(微信公众号认证) 佳作书局(PARAGON BOOK GALLERY)自1942年创办以来专注于中外艺术书籍的引介和出版。
Classique: Cover Art for Classical Music "Classique" introduces 777 of the most inspiring classical LP covers from their heyday, documenting groundbreaking art work and cover culture that is typical for the epoch. In the same way that an attractive cover lures you into buying a... H Scherg ...
my squeezebox touch music player can display the cover art thats inside the music flie MP#/FLAC would be nice if strawberry can place them in the music file. thanks for the good music player, was using clementine all the time nog i got a...
BootlegCoverArt.com is a website dedicated to designing quality artwork for live music recordings. Browse our gallery of over 15,000 covers or request one in our forums!
Huh. This is fairly interesting to me in that I pay very little attention to cover art. For the most part I’m listening to music through my whole house audio system (multi-room coverage streamed to an Airport Express and to an AirPlay enabled receiver) via AirPlay, v...
1)Launch theMusic appon your computer and open the playlist that you want to adjust. 2) Right-clickover the current cover art image and chooseEdit. You can also hit thethree dots buttonon the right side and selectEdit. 3)Choose from a suggested cover art, or click thecamera iconand pi...