In longitudinal data analysis, the CS covariance structure can also be specified for the R-sided matrix. Let σ2 be the constant variance in mean μ across repeated measurements of the response and σ1 be the constant and positive covariance between any two successive observations. Given four ...
The measurement matrix K The filter gain matrix P The state error covariance matrix Q The covariance of the process (system) noise R The covariance of the observation (measurement) noise uk,zk The system input and measurement vectors at time k wk,vk The system and measurement noise vectors at...
Spatial: Linear.This covariance structure has homogenous variances and heterogenous correlations between elements. dijis the estimated Euclidean distance between the ithand jthmeasurement, and 1ijis an indicator function which is 1 if ρdij≤ 0 and 0 otherwise. ...
Here, we introduce a general method to quantise reference frame transformations, which generalises the usual reference frame transformation to a “superposition of coordinate transformations”. We describe states, measurement, and dynamical evolution in different quantum reference frames, without appealing t...
Different error terms can be specified for different parts of the model. The forward slash is used to indicate that the next term in the model is the error term for what precedes it. For instance, anova y A / B|A indicates that the F test for A is to be tested by using the mean...
Spatial: Linear.This covariance structure has homogenous variances and heterogenous correlations between elements. dijis the estimated Euclidean distance between the ithand jthmeasurement, and 1ijis an indicator function which is 1 if ρdij≤ 0 and 0 otherwise. ...
005x and offgas analysers with errors for O2 of 0.1%+0.03x and CO2 of 0.025%+ 0.03x. x denotes the measurement value. In general, Jacobian calculation strongly depends on model correctness and is sensitive to model uncertainties. Here, the model structure is solely based on first ...
Finally we have the adjusted treatment means, which are calledLSMEAN(for least squares means) in this computer output. These are the estimated mean scores for the three classes at the overall meanPREscore:x¯=8.95.The method for making inferences on linear combinations of parameters such as th...
The correlation between two elements is equal to * for adjacent elements, *(2) for elements separated by a third, and so on. and are the autoregressive and moving average parameters, respectively, and their values are constrained to lie between –1 and 1, inclusive. (σ2 σ2φρ σ2...
on the operational approach enables the theory to be specified purely in terms of notions that have immediate physical meaning. Note, however, that the approach does not entail the necessity of having macroscopic superpositions. In a realistic situation, for example, system A could be a particle ...