Electrons Valence Electrons Bohr Models Lewis Dot Structures. Types of Bonding. There are two types of bonds: Ionic bonds Ionic bonds Covalent bonds Covalent bonds. Valence Electrons Lewis Dot/Electron Dot Diagrams. Chapter Molecular Compounds 8.2 The Nature of Covalent Bonding. Lewis Dot Structures....
11. Bonding & Molecular Structure3h 25m 12. Molecular Shapes & Valence Bond Theory1h 56m 13. Liquids, Solids & Intermolecular Forces2h 19m Worksheet Molecular Polarity10m Intermolecular Forces20m Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties9m Clausius-Clapeyron Equation...
Structure of part of a diamond molecule Contains only carbon atoms 3 dimensional tetrahedral structure Strong covalent bonds Strong substance High melting point and boiling point MP 3550℃ All the valence electrons are used in bonding, so diamond doesn’t conduct Graphite Graphite is another allotrope...