second cousin once removed:远房堂(或表)兄弟姐妹的子女。cross cousin:交错从表。first cousin twice removed:嫡堂(或嫡表)兄弟姐妹的孙子女。distant cousin:远亲。marry cousin:嫁给表哥。a child of one's uncle or aunt :堂兄弟;堂姐妹;表兄弟;表姐妹。a person belonging to the s...
This one-generation difference is explained by saying that your are cousins "once removed." Twice removed means that there is a two-generation difference between cousins. If you are two generations younger than the first cousin of your grandparent, then the relationship between you and your ...
This was Herbert Candy (1832-1893) who married twice, once a near relative, Margaret Spence (five children), and once an unrelated daughter of a cousin marriage, Mary Davies (fourteen children). Hence from this one surviving child were descended twenty-eight great-grandchildren. Thus we have ...