Note: Relationship Chart will appear in a new browser. You may have to over-ride your pop-up stopper for it to appear. Cousin Terms and Definitions First Cousin Your first cousin is a child of your aunt or uncle. You share one set of grandparents with your first cousin, but you do no...
Autosomal DNA testing companies report the amount of DNA you and a match share to give you an estimate of your relationship. The chart below expands on those estimates (measured in centimorgans, or cM) to help you more figure out how you and a match are related. Use this chart to learn...
BoxPlotChart 分支 BranchChild BranchCompare BranchContainsChanges BranchCousin BranchFork BranchGroup BranchNoColor BranchParent BranchPermissions BranchRelationship BranchRemote BranchSibling BranchUploaded 斷點Available 斷點Dependent BreakpointDependentDisabled BreakpointDependentError BreakpointDependentWarning Breakpoint...
BoxPlotChart Rama BranchChild BranchCompare BranchContainsChanges BranchCousin BranchFork BranchGroup BranchNoColor BranchParent BranchPermissions BranchRelationship BranchRemote BranchSibling BranchUploaded Punto de interrupciónAvailable Punto de interrupciónDependent Punto de interrupciónDependentDisabled Breakpoint...
BoxPlotChart 分支 BranchChild BranchCompare BranchContainsChanges BranchCousin BranchFork BranchGroup BranchNoColor BranchParent BranchPermissions BranchRelationship BranchRemote BranchSibling BranchUploaded 斷點Available 斷點Dependent BreakpointDependentDisabled BreakpointDependentError BreakpointDependentWarning Breakpoint...
BoxPlotChart [Branch]\(ブランチ) BranchChild BranchCompare BranchContainsChanges BranchCousin BranchFork BranchGroup BranchNoColor BranchParent BranchPermissions BranchRelationship BranchRemote BranchSibling BranchUploaded BreakpointAvailable BreakpointDependent BreakpointDependentDisabled BreakpointDependentError Break...