美 英 un.求偶行为 网络着求偶行为;夏日;著求偶行为 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 求偶行为
-, 视频播放量 233、弹幕量 0、点赞数 13、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 3、转发人数 1, 视频作者 望海和团圆, 作者简介 ,相关视频:妈妈你怎么这么凶,小乌龟不想让龟妈妈走,可爱的小乌龟们来了,陆上求偶的龟龟,三只爱玩水的小乌龟,巴西龟/黏人又怕摸的龟龟,跳着草裙舞的
Courtship behavior has many functions.───求偶行为还具有多种功能。 This means less time for elaboratecourtship behavior.───这就意味着他们很少有时间求爱。 Thecourtship behaviorbetween the animal often oneself to to seek similar action and expressive pattern.───动物之间的求偶行为往往致力于寻找相...
courtship behavior英语 标准发音:courtship behavior 英式发音: 美式发音: 翻译中文 求爱行为 courtship behavior - 基本释义[词典1] 求偶行为 courtship behavior - WEB词典 courtship behavior 求偶行为 animal courtship behavior 动物求偶行为 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:courtship behavior 2.有道词典:courtship behavior 3...
Subsequently, the frequency of each behavior was ascertained as evinced by mixed-sex and same-sex (control groups) pairs ( Ns2500) as they passed along a definable path in recreational settings. A binomial model of expected frequencies was compared by chi-square statistics to the observed ...
Thecourtshipbehavior between the animal often oneself to to seek similar action and expressive pattern. 动物之间的求偶行为往往致力于寻找相似的行为和表达模式. 期刊摘选 Superb underwater photography reveals new manta ray behaviour including breathtaking footage of their ritualcourtshipdances. ...
behaviour of electricity电气性能 detour behaviour迂回行为 orientation behaviour定向行为 thixotropic behaviour触变行为 相似单词 courtshipn. 1. [U,C] 求爱期;求爱;追求 2. [U](动物的)求偶 3. ~ (of sb/sth) 招商 behaviourn. 1.品行;作用 【英】=behavior ...
The evolution of adaptive behavior often requires changes in sensory systems. However, rapid adaptive changes in sensory traits can adversely affect other fitness-related behaviors. In the German cockroach, a gustatory polymorphism, ‘glucose-aversion (GA)’, supports greater survivorship under selection...
2) courtship behavior 求偶行为 1. The results showed that the female courtship peak period begins 3-5 h after scotophase and thecourtship behaviors of the 2 days and 3 days old female adults are the most strongest. 研究了松实小卷蛾Retinia cristata雌蛾在室内的求偶行为和不同日龄雌蛾的求偶...
COURTSHIP meaning: 1 : the activities that occur when people are developing a romantic relationship that could lead to marriage or the period of time when such activities occur; 2 : the behavior of animals that leads to sexual activity or the period of t