Court Hierarchy of Victoria Victoria is a state in south eastern part of Australia and is also the country’s most densely populated state. In order to implement laws and see to it that they are properly followed, the state makes sure it has proper courts of law in place and placed in a...
The two family courts of Australia—the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court—merged in 2021 into a single structure, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. This represents another restructure of the family law system which, over its 46-year history, has staggered from crisis ...
Australiacourtsjudgesjudicial officersjudicaturesizegrowthstate courtsfederal courtscourt hierarchyIn 1977 Chief Justice Barwick gave one of the first statistical snapshots of the Australian courts as a 'judicial system' in his inaugural 'State of the Australian Judicature' address. Since then, there has...
During 1978, the High Court of Australia and the New South Wales Court of Appeal handed down decisions which announce a departure from the longstanding rule that decisions of the Privy Council bind all Australian Courts. In this article, Mr Geddes analyses these decisions and considers their futur...
Stockland has gained approval to build a “shred” factory as part of the Kawana Waters masterplanned community on the Sunshine Coast (01 December 2020).More... Conservation or just blanket opposition to development? The Cooperative Research Centre for Developing N...
We catch up with Andrew to find out what Parquet Courts problem with Australia really is. NOISEY: Why do you hate Australia so much? Andrew Savage:I just don’t trust any place that allows the platypus to exist. I saw you perform on the Seth Meyers Show. In the hierarchy of late nigh...
This chapter explores judicial norms and rhetoric around compulsory voting in Australia. These legal principles and tropes are derived from two classes of cases. The first are decisions, from courts elevated in the hierarchy, about why compulsory voting is constitutionally legitimate. These decisions ...
Introduction: Congressional Control of Jurisdiction and the Future of the Federal Courts -- Opposition, Agreement and HierarchyAustraliaboundarycontinental shelfdelimitationexclusive economic zoneIndonesiainstallationsmarine scientific researchseabedsovereign rightsIntroducing a Symposium of articles exploring the ...
The Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (MERIT) Pilot Program: a descriptive analysis of a court diversion program in rural Australia. There has been a rapid expansion of drugs courts and diversion programs in Western countries, with the aim of diverting drug offenders into treatment. This.....