Define appeal courts. appeal courts synonyms, appeal courts pronunciation, appeal courts translation, English dictionary definition of appeal courts. Appeal Court. Translations. English: Appeal Court n Corte f d'Appello. Italian / Italiano: Corte f d'App
of the Republic of Macedonia has 27 first instancecourts,4Courts of Appeal,theAdministrative Court, and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia. 马其顿共和国的司法系统有 27 个一审法院,4 个上诉法院、行政法庭和 马其顿共和国最高法院。
上诉法院(the courts of appeals)有权对FTC的同意命令进行审查(review)、确认(affirm)、修改(modify)或终止(vacat…|基于4个网页 例句 释义: 全部,上诉法院 更多例句筛选 1. District courts have no appellate jurisdiction; their decisions may be carried to the courts of appeals, or...
必应词典为您提供Courts-of-Appeals-for-Federal-Circuit的释义,网络释义: 联邦巡回上诉法院;美国联邦巡回上诉法院;
The Court of Review comprises three Judges, who are designated by the Chief Justice fromtheUSDistrictCourtsorCourts of Appeals. 覆核法院由3名法官組成,他們均由首席法官從美國地方法院 或上訴法院委任出來。 ...
Courts of Appeals. It looks at the distribution of three-judge panel ideologies on the circuits and at differences in decisionmaking patterns, testing several theoretical approaches to circuit differences: the attitudinalist approach, arguing that different judicial ideologies account for intercircuit ...
Courts of Appeals The United States federal court system has three tiers: the U.S. District Courts, which are the trial courts; the U.S. Courts of Appeals, which are the first levels of appeal; and the Supreme Court of the United States, which is the final level of appeal. There are...
句中的主语指的是不止一种讼案的cases,需要在不同的上诉庭进行重新审理,因此要把appeal court 变成复数,这就牵涉到名词作定语时的数。如果作定语的名词包括不同的子项,就要求用复数名词。以下是常见的两种情况:1、复数名词 + 单数名词 sports meeting 运动会 (包括多种竞技项目)students reading...