An exhilarating courtroom drama, ‘Yara,’ directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, follows the aftermath of the murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio. The shocking murder ends up dividing the town of Brembate di Sopra into two as people clamor for the murderer to be brought to justice. In such ...
Law: On Trial: The Courtroom Drama ; with Jury Exemptions Running at 66 per Cent, Could Public Screenings of Twelve Angry Men Be the Answer? at a Season of Classic Legal Dramas at the National Film Theatre, Prominent Lawyers Will Look at the Way Law Movies Influence Our Perception of ...
The judge believes there is plenty of evidence that points to Allman being able to take care of himself because he has shelter, maintains his finances, and “has remained drug-free” after several court-ordered tests. But the conversation isn’t over because there will be another hearing on ...
We drew up dossiers on witnesses, trying to determine which ones were most important. “You might say we climbed to the top of a hill of books and, from that lofty position, tried to survey the panorama,” remembers Redhead, 30, both a former journalist and Shakespearean actor. By Novembe...
The Nuneaton actor, who played a love rat in BBC drama Cutting It and 007 creator Ian Fleming in Bondmaker, is part of the cast of the new British version of Law and Order. It is based on the enormously successful US show format - now in its 19th series - and Law and Order: UK...
I should begin by saying that it's never easy to attack the Australian media for its efforts in the areas of Indigenous drama, Your Honour. Examples such as Beneath Clouds (Ivan Sen, 2002), RAN and Radiance (Rachel Perkins, 1998) rank among our industry's finest achievements. However, li...
The Lakers star hasn't even entered a plea. Yet Americans following the high- profile drama of last June's alleged rape - and many who aren't - are already well-versed in rumors of his accuser's "American Idol" aspirations, suicide attempts, drug abuse, and sexual history. Anyone who ...