to mother a son to exercise hope and love when everything else is absent Son, your are a gift to men because of you I pray for men still love men hold hope for me, for you. Grace Iwashita-Taylor fromFull Broken Bloom, Ala Press, 2017 The wind has shaken everything out of the qui...
So this year for me, has been about exploration and personal growth. Establishing new boundaries, travelling and meeting new people (some I hope will remain great friends). So a lot of you know, Princess Lucina means the world to me – she has always put her complete faith in me, allowe...
My other hope is that in reading this book you might see your own flaws reflected back through mine and still find the compassion to hold yourself, and me, in high esteem。”(Pg 2-3)There is no possible way that I could sum up Caught In the Act better that Courtney Ac...