Orders vacated in El Paso Walmart shooting case Ex parte orders regarding detention in the criminal case against the accused El Paso Walmart shooter were conditionally vacated by a Texas appeals court. Credit card late fees cap A federal court in Texas declined to transfer business groups’ lawsu...
COURTHOUSE HOURS CHANGING ; Building will be closed last Friday of each month starting in March to save El Paso County moneyDENNIS HUSPENI
Trial courts in Texas Municipal courts and justice of the peace courts are each located in over 800 places around the state. These courts have overlapping jurisdiction on misdemeanor criminal cases, minor civil cases, and violations of local ordinances. Probate courts have jurisdiction over guardianshi...
‘photogenic’ – we did take some pics in a few of them so that you could get a flavor of West Texas. Some were kind of wasting away – while others seemed to be doing quite well. The towns included are:Mentone,Odessa,Stanton,Marfa,Alpine,Sierra Blanca,Ft. Davis,Van Horn,El Paso...
噯姒米勒 【★.lindsay.】LL At Santa Monica Courthouse&Rite Aid(06/1616号当天,LL先是去了法院大楼,有相关事项需要处理,之前在MTV电影大奖上闹出的drinkning事件scram亮红灯,也就是7号那晚,L一再强调没有,法官也要求L提交了尿检,结果最新情况显示,当晚根本没有任何酒精显示--there was no alcohol in ......