Mills、phil - Courtesy Call
Sixx A.M. - Courtesy Call
歌曲名《Courtesy Call》,由 Fire From Heaven 演唱,收录于《Courtesy Call》专辑中,《Courtesy Call》下载,《Courtesy Call》在线试听,更多Courtesy Call相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
Courtesy Call Suburban Poor /Mitchell Hubbs /Eric McGowan 专辑:Courtesy Call 语种:英语 流派:Electronica 唱片公司:Suburban Poor 发行时间:2021-03-07 播放智能曲谱收藏评论更多 歌词 暂无歌词[展开] 评论共0条评论 说说你的看法吧 剩余300字 发表评论 还没有人评论,快来抢沙发吧~下载...
I took this song as that god was telling him that his life would be over if he didn't get clean. It's a "courtesy call," because not a lot of other people have the fortune of being "warned," before they die. Again, this is just my interpretation. Add your reply Write about...
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