Shako, Florence Karimi
A man has been charged with computer misuse and unauthorized access of Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) security system. Alex Kimaiyo Kiprono is accused of infringing security measures of KCB and accessed a joint bank account... Read more Progressive Credit Limited employee, two others granted bond i...
in place and frustrated itsconvictionthat “this corporation [Citizens United] has a constitutional right to speak on this subject.” Procedural activism is generally considered improper at the federal level in the United States and in countries that follow the U.S. system (e.g., Kenya and ...
(redirected fromGacaca court) Wikipedia ga·ca·ca (gə-chä′chə) n. A traditional Rwandan system of justice in which local community members are allowed to testify freely, without the participation of lawyers, and cases are decided by a panel of judges chosen from the community. ...
Turning to the expert committee…the expert committee is an institution different from a user committee in jurisdictions such as US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya etc. where they are often required by law and are primarily focused on incorporating input from users, including thos...
“Considering the role that results transmission played in the 2007 election violence, IFES will build on its recent work with Kenya’s results transmission system to further enhance it and ensure its sustainability. IFES will ensure this system is fully installed, tested and operational for the 20...
We’ve passed the peak of woke politics in the U.S., and the Harris for president campaign is the leading indicator. Of all the things that Kamala Harris wants you to know about her — that she grew up in a middle-class family, that she’s not Joe Biden, that she has a “to-do...
The original title is: “Kenya ICC witness killing haunts Eldoret family”. A Remark is enclosed in parenthesis and begins with a lowercase word (here not the normal present participial) with terminal punctuation for the preceding phrase. See, e.g., Emmanuel Igunza, Kenya ICC Witness Killing ...
These essay examples and topics on Court were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment. ...
Drawing on the distinction offered by d’Aspremont and De Brabandere concerning the “legitimacy of origin” and the “legitimacy of exercise”, this Chapter looks into some of the legitimacy challenges facing the contemporary system of international justice, with a specific eye on analyzing how the...