While Wiggins was the key vote in swinging the the 9th Circuit panel’s decision to Gordon’s side, the opinion was authored by Judge Harry Pregerson of Los Angeles. It becomes immediate law in federal court and administrative proceedings, such as the swearing-in of federal officials, in Cali...
it is an offense for a lawfully sworn witness or interpreter in judicial proceedings willfully to make a statement, material in those proceedings, which they knew to be false or did not believe to be true
swearingWITNESSESCinematruthTellWork measurementCommitmentLaw courtsIt doesn't happen often, but it usually involves work measurement We have all seen TV shows or movies in which a witness is testifying in a court of law. The first step of a sworn testimony is a commitment to be truthful. The...
These reasons do not, in our opinion, withstand critical scrutiny. The oath, despite its importance, is not the principal safeguard of trustworthiness.[13] Moreover, there are numerous exceptions to the hearsay rule where the admitted hearsay statement was not made under oath.[14] That the p...
Pietila screamed and ran away; he heard defendant swearing at him as he fled. Pietila did not report the incident to the police. Eight months later, after seeing a flyer at the Spike, he contacted the Gay Community Services Center. That group put him in touch with Detective Thies, who ...
John G. Roberts, Jr.: swearing-in ceremonyJohn G. Roberts, Jr., being sworn in as chief justice of the United States by Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, September 29, 2005.(more) During his confirmation hearings, Roberts spoke of the importance of—and his commitment to—judicial restra...