A Shawnee County judge sentenced Rhoiney to life plus 13 months in prison, with no chance for parole for 25 years. The shooting of 28-year-old Michael Stadler occurred in October 2016, when Rhoiney was 23. According to trial testimony, Rhoiney fired two shots at a van...
The court sent the lawsuit back to Shawnee County District Court Judge Teresa Watson, who originally dismissed it in April 2022 after finding the restrictions were reasonable. The ruling does not strike down the law but requires Watson to review the lawsuit using “strict scrutiny,” whic...
Death records prior to this year may be found at a County level, as some people did register deaths even though they were no required to. The State of Kansas uses the information that they gather from death records for the States public health analyses. The information on death records ...
County: Muskogee Directions: From Hwy 62 (Shawnee) Turn South On 24 Th Street To Court St. Home On The Corner Of Court & 24 Th St. Tax Year: 2023 Source Property Type: Residential Source Neighborhood: West Alta Vista Public Survey Section: 21 Subdivision: West Alta Vista Township: 15 N...
Shawnee County District Court Panel Strikes Down Kansas School Finance Law; Attorney General Derek Schmidt AppealingKansas' controversial new school finance law and the cuts it madeto state aid for poorer school...LlopisJepsen, Celia
Shawnee County Court Spectator Erupts in Epithets When Judge Declines to Lower Bond of Alleged Topeka ShooterWhen a judge denied Ralfeal Eron Carr's motion to lower his bondon Wednesday tied to a shooting...Fry, Steve
Kansas Court of Appeals: Shawnee County Judge Right to Rule Topeka Police Search UnlawfulA Shawnee County judge was right to suppress evidence --including marijuana, a handgun and...Wingerter, Justin
Shawnee County District Court Panel to Hear Orel Arguments MondayA three-judge panel with the Shawnee County District Court at1:30 p.m. Monday will hear...CapitalJournal, The
New Court Administrator Brings 27 Years Experience to Shawnee County Post, Knows How to Control CostsThe new Shawnee County District Court administrator hasdemonstrated an ability to control costs...Fry, Steve