沪江词库精选court of protection是什么意思、英语单词推荐 【法】 保护法庭 相似短语 court of protection 【法】 保护法庭 in court 在法庭上,在受审 divisional court of the high court 【法】 高等法院分庭 court case 法院诉讼案件 prize court n. 处理战利品的军事法庭 probate court n. 遗嘱...
court of protection 英 [kɔːt ɒv prəˈtekʃn] 美 [kɔːrt əv prəˈtekʃn](英)保护法庭
在英国,保护法庭(the Court of Protection)可以为那些被认为缺乏心智能力做决策的人员作决定。这些人会被要求做外科手术、 …news.dahe.cn|基于26个网页 2. 英国保护法庭 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国保护法庭(the Court of Protection)将于15日审理是否对一名有认知缺陷的女性在施行剖腹产的 …news.66wz.com...
court of protection 英文court of protection 中文【法】 保护法庭
目录 词条 基本释义 专业释义 词条提问 行业词表 推荐术语 human resource accounting export multiplier evaluation of internal control incentive contract recapitalization词条Court of Protection基本释义 保护法庭专业释义 <法律> 〈英〉保护法庭词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> ...
Court of Protection Acronyms Wikipedia The UK Court responsible for looking after the financial affairs of people who cannot legally do it themselves because of lack of capacity. CoP duties Granting Enduring Powers of Attorney, making wills, and giving general guidance, directions and orders for mana...
Court of Protection provides guidance on the use of anticipatory declarations Sam Karim QC, Arianna Kelly and Arevik Jackson appear in a Court of Protection matter considering the best interests of a man with complex communication needs. Manchester ...
court of protectioncourt appointed deputieshealth carehealth care decisionsmental capacity actIntroductionCourt of ProtectionCourt appointed deputyOffice of the Public GuardianConclusions Referencesdoi:10.1002/9780470697665.ch7Bridgit Dimond
I am openly passionate about Court of Protection (‘CoP’) work but as it is a little-known area of law, when I talk about it, I am often met with a blank stare. My usual one liner response is that we manage the financial affairs of vulnerable and elderly adults who no longer have...
Deciding when someone can be deprived of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act. What is Deputyship? A deputy is someone who can make decisions on behalf of someone else who lacks the mental capacity to make them for themselves; they are appointed by the Court of Protection. Ideally, ...