NC Supreme Court Reminds Court of Appeals That Typical Lender-Borrower Relationship Is Not A Fiduciary OneRay, Amanda
Public access to federal court records in U.S. Court Of Appeals, Fourth Circuit. Lookup PACER cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed.
Court of Appeals panel has affirmed a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit challenging removal of a Confederate monument at the Chatham County Courthouse in Pittsboro. Appellate judges agreed Tuesday with trial Judge Susan Bray’s decision in 2019 that plaintiffs associated with the United...
US Circuit Court Posted onJuly 26, 2024byDRenegade The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals issued a 2-1 ruling Thursday that could force the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction to reconsider a prison inmate's sex-change surgery.#ncga#ncpol
Hilton appealed, and a Court of Appeals panel last year ruled that such monitoring was reasonable only for the period of time in which Hilton was on post-release supervision, not after it ended. In a 4-3 decision, the Supreme Court declared the lifetime monitoring f...
review bythefederal courts of appeals (b) 發出終止及停止令110 ,藉以遏止不公平貿易行為,而 有關命令須受聯邦上訴法院覆核 Canada Criminal cartel offences: automatic right of appeal from any conviction to the ...
Court of Appeals in April 2022 blocked felon voting in elections scheduled for May and July. The same ruling opened the door for felons to participate in the November general election. The state Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. But in October the high court r...
NC Appeals Court wrestles with latest pension spiking dispute | Eastern North Carolina Now The Harnett County school board and State Retirement Division are squabbling at the N.C. Court of Appeals over $197,000. The money is tied to a pension-spiking assessment....
In addition toU.S. District Court casesfiled in the District of Nevada, UniCourt also provides you with bulk access to all federal court records and cases filed in theU.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuitat the James R. Browning Federal Courthouse and theU.S. Bankruptcy Court for ...
In July 1996, the Court of Appeals held that it could not determine the merits of the State rule. In late July, the State Supreme Court granted a motion for a stay of the Health Department's rule pending a review by the high court. Government officials and AIDS activists are working on...