Justice Harris’s judgments contain valuable insights into some of Hong Kong’s cross-border insolvency-related issues, such as the intersection between stock exchange listings and insolvency. Hisdecisionin the Winding-Up Proceedings of China Huiyuan Juice Group is a good example: ...
That means that judges hearing cross-border cases have a particular pressure to handle these disputes in a way that is consistent with the law (of course), acceptable to the leadership of their court & to the outside world. One important aspect of SPC Guiding Opinion III is the impact on...
There were actually two orders from the Court; one denies a panel rehearing, and the other one denies “a rehearing en banc.” To address the issue of not explaining its position on the case, for which I had taken Cboe to task, Cboe issued a blistering reply, “Cboe Position Regarding...
Transcript of hearing, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Dept. 85, Hon. Dzintra Janavs, Judge (July 29, 2002) Tentative Decision: Karl Auerbach v. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (July 29, 2002) Court Grants Access to Net Regulatory Corp Records - Dire...
Under cross-examination,Tenev agreed it would have been a "total catastrophe" if Robinhood had failed to meet the capital call from its equity clearing houseon January 28 andhad been obliged to liquidate the positions of its 13 million clients. During the hearing he also...
The following month, in December 2020, the first hearing in the Australian case had Apple arguing Epic Games had contractually promised to settle disputes and litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. As such, Apple wanted the case in Australia to...
Bankruptcy and Economic Development: Increase work on hearing bankruptcy cases and give full play to “active rescue” and “timely liquidation”.We can expect to see the courts accepting more bankruptcy cases this year.Deepen the compliance reform for companies involved in criminal cases and continue...